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Quick Cash

What's a Quick Cash or Quick Cash Plus Loan?

You may have heard about our Quick Cash Loans and wondered how they are different from a personal loan. Well, we are here to clear the air and give you more details about this loan type so you can determine if it is right for you.

Quick Cash Loans were designed to provide quick access to short-term loans, to assist members in getting out of the pay day loan cycle and/or to help build or repair credit.

Here are the particulars......

  • Loan amount: $530.00 -OR- $1,030 for a Quick Cash Plus
  • Interest rate: 28% APR
  • Maximum term: Up to 13 bi-weekly pay periods (Varies per type)
  • Payments: All payments must be made via payroll deduction or automatic payment
  • Quick Cash Plus loans feature a built-in savings plan. When your loan is paid in full, you will have full access to your saved up cash.

Here are the qualifications......

  • You must have an open credit union account with at least $25 on deposit.
  • You must be employed by the same employer for a minimum of 12 months as a permanent employee (not seasonal or temporary).
  • Your income must be verifiable through your HR office or by paystub.
  • You must provide proof of current residency.

Here are the limits......

  • You can only have one Quick Cash Loan at a time. Maximum per calendar year may also apply (per type).
  • A Quick Cash Loan must fully amortize before you request another Quick Cash Loan. There is no penalty for early payoff; however, if you pay off your loan early there is a two-week waiting period before another Quick Cash Loan will be processed or funded.
  • If you default on a loan or cause the credit union a financial loss you will no longer qualify for the Quick Cash Loan program.
*These qualifications and/or limits may, or may not, apply to standard personal loans. The Credit Union is under no obligation to approve a loan under any lending program. Please check with your loan officer if you need further clarification.